by admin | May 18, 2013 | 2013 - Spring, Completed, North Elementary, Techventors
Below you can enjoy playing the video games for each TEKids group. You can also download the code for each project to learn, gain new skills, and enhance the games! Bubble Disabilities: Impaired Hearing Inputs: Arrow Keys Description: Visually walk and jump the bubble...
by admin | May 18, 2013 | 2013 - Spring, Completed, North Elementary, Rocket Scientists
Below are links to the web journals for each TEKids group. Copperrockets Sparkles Thunder Viperdragons TEKids Rocket Launch Results: Group Name Rocket Apogee (ft) Blastoff 371 Copperrockets 321 Golems 391 Sparkles 353 Terminators 281 Thunder 192 Tornadoes 412...
by admin | May 16, 2013 | 2013 - Spring, Cheat Lake, Completed, Rocket Scientists
Below are links to the web journals for each TEKids group. Rocketeers Turtle Owls Turtle Owls Team ALPHA Green Gofers TEKids Rocket Launch Results: Group Name Rocket Apogee (ft) Rocket Launchers 348 Rocketeers 375 Tec Friends 312 Turtle Owls 290 TDL 197 Team ALPHA 261...
by admin | Apr 2, 2013 | 2013 - Spring, Cheat Lake, In Progress, Rocket Scientists
Below are links to the web journals for each TEKids group. The Rockets Pink Panthers Dragon Fight
by admin | Dec 17, 2012 | 2013 - Spring, Courses, Curriculums, Enrolling, Locations, Sessions, Status, Techventors, Westwood Middle
Students will design and build an assistive technology device based on a consumer request. This course will teach students how to use a variety of assistive technology software and techniques. Topic covered include design theories, idea generation, circuitry,...
by admin | Dec 17, 2012 | 2013 - Spring, Courses, Curriculums, Enrolling, Locations, Rocket Scientists, Sessions, Status, West Virginia, Westwood Middle
This class is offered to a limited number of students. The program consists of the following areas of learning: Rocket Science Learning physics and mechanics of rockets Building and launching rockets Technology integration with rockets: 3D Modeling technology Rocket...